June 1, 2015

Please join us on the Etsy Digital Design Team Facebook Freebie Hop!
UPDATE: The freebie hop is over, but here's a direct link to my freebie set: bit.ly/1Ku1mss
And the Freebie Collaboration Pack can be found here: http://ddetsyteam.blogspot.com/2015/06/freebie-collaboration-pack-june-2...
(Older info which you can basically ignore now):
All you have to do is visit each Facebook page, look for the "HOP" tab, and download your freebie!
Then follow the link to the next team member and download theirs. You can start at the main page to see a mini-preview of each member's freebie. Click on any team member's image to go to their Facebook page and start the hop.
Start here and on each team member's page, just look for the hop tab:
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