January 13, 2017

The set designs on PBS' Sherlock are seductive, gorgeous and will disappear in a blink with the show's super-fast pacing! The interior office of John Watson's therapist (Season 4 Episode 2) showed a fast glimpse of a spectacular black and white cloud wallpaper. It's from the Italian painter, sculptor, and engraver Piero Fornasetti, master of bold graphic design.
The Nuvole ("clouds" in Italian) wallpaper is stunning, and available at Cole and Son:
Some of the Fornasetti collection at Barneys New York. The red Brindisi Serving Tray is sold out, which is great so I won't be tempted by its tiny $1,275 price tag.
The Fornasetti workshop in Milan:
More beautiful wallpaper by Fornasetti, available at Cole and Son:
What do you think of the Sherlock sets? Do you have a favorite Fornasetti design?
Sheryl replied on
I love the Fornasetti colection at Barneys! The therapist was odd (and no wonder), but she had good taste. Thank you for letting me know where to find the wallpaper!
1-wendy replied on
You're welcome!
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